Rug stains

Do you know how to deal with hard stains on your carpet? Some methods can really make things worse!

In fact, there is no golden rule for cleaning carpets. Stains and different spots react to different methods and techniques, so one of the most important aspects of carpet cleaning is determining the type of stain you are dealing with and knowing the appropriate solutions to this particular problem. .

Also keep in mind that different carpets may react differently to different products.

Natural carpet stains:

Natural stains – such as cherries and berries, milk, or natural food – are all water-based and are some of the easiest stains to remove. Remember to use liquid (or white vinegar) with water and a small amount of detergent (mix with warm water if you want it to be natural.)

Other blue stains on the carpet:

Anything that has water as a main component can be used in exactly the same way. This includes drinks, auto ink, and even jellies.

Ordinary ink stains on carpets:

The best solvent for removing yogurt stains is by pouring it on yogurt stains and spreading it on the ink part. After the yogurt is thoroughly mixed with the ink, collect it from the carpet with a spoon. Repeat this process several times until the ink is completely absorbed.

Heavy carpet stains:

Some stains are more and more troublesome and if left simply washed with water and detergent will leave stains. These are usually very dark items such as coffee and blood. In these cases, you can use a combination of water and soda.

Carpet grease stains:

Put an old cloth on the stain and iron it. Make sure it is in moderate temperature conditions. The heat helps to transfer the remaining oil from the carpet to the fabric, which can then be washed normally.

Tobacco and nicotine stains on carpets:

The best cleanser for these stains is glycerin with the recipe to pour a little glycerin on the desired area and gently clean it; Now do this again and put some stain remover on it and put it on the place for half an hour and then wash it.

Always try any new product or detergent on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​carpet.

Carpet protein stains:

Protein or enzyme cleaners are effective for cleaning stubborn protein stains such as eggs, blood, stools or vomit. These enzyme products work well as long as you follow the manufacturer’s method. You can use a solution of semi-warm water, salt, soap and white vinegar as a solution to clean blood and egg stains.

Soot stains: Salt is the best material for cleaning and collecting soot stains from carpets, and to do this, just spray salt on the desired area. After an hour and a half, vacuum the salts.

Carpet wax and gum:

The trick to using chewing gum and wax stains is the opposite of how to remove oily stains. In these cases, cover the piece of ice with a thin cloth and hold it on the stain to dry. Then use an object such as a spoon or a sharp knife to gently remove the wax or gum from the cloth.

Natural or organic stains on carpets:

Some water-soluble stains, such as coffee and tea, are more difficult to remove because the heat of the liquid is related to the texture of the carpet. These materials often leave stains after cleaning. When water-soluble products are dissolved, these natural and organic stains are removed by an oxidizing agent.

For example, lukewarm water and some washing powder and sponge can remove this kind of stains from your carpet, but if the stains remain again, continue with 5% oxygenated water and a little staining water until complete. Wipe clean and then wipe dry with a towel.