Do You Offer Rug Repair Services?

At Royal Oriental Rugs in Orlando, we have the rug cleaning Orlando residents recommend, and we work hard to ensure that this continues to be the case for many years to come. Because we understand the importance of rug maintenance, we offer oriental rug cleaning services so that you can make sure to get your rug in excellent shape. To learn more about our services, contact us at Royal Oriental Rugs.

How Do Rugs Get Repaired or Cleaned?

A professional cleaning can do more than clear out dust in an older rug; it can bring back the rich color and natural softness of its original state. With a professional cleaning, you get the opportunity to loosen the dirt and dust from wool, silk, or cotton, which ultimately increases the longevity. In fact, if you look at the at these dust and dirt particles under a microscope, you can see how the particles have sharp edges which rip and tear at the fabric, weakening the knots and foundation.

You must be certain that if your rug is in a high-traffic area, like an entryway or family room, that you get it cleaned at least once every one to three years while lower trafficked areas, such as a living room or dining room, may be cleaned only once every five to seven years.

At Royal Oriental Rugs, we have our own distinct process by which we clean and repair our rugs. The first step we take is that we inspect all parts of the rug, including any fringe it may have and the back of it. If it has been some time since the last cleaning, the rug is beaten to remove any dust and dirt. After this process is complete, we then apply water to the rug to loosen soil particles. With the rug newly dampened, we then take a gentle soap and water solution and apply it to the rug. This solution is then whisked across the rug with soft brushes and brooms. If the rug has a fringe, special attention is paid to this area, which often sees the most damage and soil. After this process is complete, we then rinse the rug and remove any residual soap. The final step is to apply a solution of white vinegar to restore the sheen and texture of the rug. After we are satisfied with the result, we will allow it to dry and get it ready to return to you.

Are You Looking for a Rug Cleaning Orlando Residents Trust?

If you are looking for an oriental rug cleaning, we at Royal Oriental Rugs take our cleanings seriously. We provide the highest quality of rug cleaning Orlando residents truly trust. If you are interested in learning more about our services, contact us today.

Contact Us

If you are looking for an oriental rug cleaning in Orlando, we at Royal Oriental Rugs are here for you. We want to provide you with the highest quality service, so do not be afraid to contact us if you need your rug cleaned today.