The color of the Oriental Rugs

One hundred and fifty years ago, the famous American poet and writer Edgar Allan Poe wrote: “The soul is a carpet house.” He means that the carpet is the basis of home design and everything is affected by it. When you choose a rug for a room, you determine the overall layout of the room, when you choose a rug or rugs for a room, you actually determine the main colors of that room. Choosing a rug at the beginning and then going to buy furniture and other items is much easier than other ways.

Guide to choosing the best carpet color

Carpet is one of the main furniture of our Iranians, which has a great impact on the beauty of the decoration. Carpet is not one of the tools that if you do not like it, quickly replace it with a newer model, because it is one of the permanent choices because it is expensive. Be careful in choosing the model, color and material of the carpet.

Important points for choosing the color of the carpet

To choose the color of the carpet, the color of your home decoration is the first letter, for example, your house can not be white-pink, but spread a crimson carpet. There should be harmony between the color of the carpet and other household items, you can set the color of the carpet with the color of the sofa.

Use a dark and light trick to set the colors at home so that all the items are exactly the same color. If your furniture is pink, you should choose a carpet that is cream and pink.

How to choose the best carpet color?

Since the carpet you choose is going to be in your home decoration for a long time, you should try to choose a color for it that will not become out of fashion and boring after a while, choose a color for the carpet that will not be repeated soon and you will not have to Change.

Frequent families or families with small children should use dark colored carpets because light colored carpets get dirty very quickly and you have to wash them several times a year.

What color is the reception carpet better?

Choose carpets that have many colors used in them. These carpets can be used for all kinds of decorations because they have any color you can think of and they can be easily set.