How to care the rugs in Fort Myers

Oriental rugs are known for their beauty, durability, and intricate designs, but they require special care to keep them looking their best. In Fort Myers, where the climate can be hot and humid, caring for oriental rugs requires some extra attention. Here are some tips for keeping your oriental rug in great condition for years to come.

Your Rug Regularly

One of the easiest ways to care for your oriental rug is to rotate it regularly. This will help prevent uneven wear and fading, especially in areas that receive a lot of foot traffic. Experts recommend rotating your rug every six months to a year, depending on the level of foot traffic it receives.

Vacuum Your Rug Carefully

Regular vacuuming is important for keeping your oriental rug clean and preventing dirt and dust from becoming embedded in the fibers. However, you need to take care to vacuum your rug properly to avoid damaging the fibers. Use a vacuum with a gentle setting and avoid using a beater bar, which can pull the fibers loose or cause the rug to unravel. You should also avoid vacuuming the fringes of the rug, which are more delicate and can become tangled or damaged.

Clean Up Spills Immediately

When a spill or stain occurs on your oriental rug, it’s important to clean it up as soon as possible to prevent the stain from setting in. Blot the spill with a clean, dry cloth, being careful not to rub or scrub the area, which can cause the stain to spread. If necessary, you can use a gentle cleaning solution specifically designed for oriental rugs, but be sure to test it in an inconspicuous area first to make sure it won’t damage the fibers or dyes.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause fading and damage to the fibers and dyes of your oriental rug, so it’s important to keep it out of direct sunlight as much as possible. If your rug is in an area that receives a lot of sunlight, consider using curtains or blinds to block the sun during the brightest parts of the day. You can also rotate your rug regularly to ensure that it receives more even exposure to light.

Be Careful with Pets

Pets can be a challenge when it comes to caring for oriental rugs, as they can shed fur and dander, scratch the fibers, and have accidents on the rug. If you have pets, consider using a rug pad underneath your oriental rug to help protect it from damage. You should also be sure to vacuum your rug regularly to remove pet hair and dander, and clean up accidents immediately to prevent staining and odors.

Use a Rug Pad

Using a rug pad underneath your oriental rug can help protect it from wear and tear, prevent slipping, and provide extra cushioning. Look for a rug pad that is specifically designed for use with oriental rugs and is made of materials that won’t damage the fibers or dyes. Rug pads should be slightly smaller than your rug to avoid bunching or tripping hazards.

Have Your Rug Professionally Cleaned

While regular vacuuming and spot cleaning can help keep your oriental rug in good condition, it’s important to have it professionally cleaned every few years to remove deep-seated dirt, dust, and other debris. In Fort Myers, there are many professional rug cleaning services that specialize in oriental rugs, and they can use techniques and solutions that are safe for your rug’s fibers and dyes. Be sure to choose a reputable cleaning service that has experience with oriental rugs and can provide references and guarantees.